There are some new Huggies Coupons today! And, that means that you can use them to stack with the Huggies Catalina and also the new save $10 instantly promotion. If you stack these with those promotions you can score a really great deal!
Print and save with the new Huggies coupons. There is also a matching Catalina!
$1.50/1 HUGGIES LITTLE SWIMMERS Disposable Swimpants (10 ct. or larger)
$2.00/1 HUGGIES® Diapers (Not valid on 9 ct. or less)
$0.50/1 HUGGIES® Wipes (48 ct. or higher)
$2.00/1 PULL-UPS® Training Pants or GOODNITES® Nighttime Pants or Bed Mats (Not valid on 7 ct. or less)
Huggies Diapers, Wipes, Training Pants, And Underwear Catalina
Effective thru 8/18
Buy $25 and get a $5 on your next order Catalina
Huggies Wipes, 64 ct, $1.99
Use(1): $0.50/1 HUGGIES® Wipes (48 ct. or higher)
Or $1.00/3 Huggies Baby Wipes – 7-22-18 SS; Includes 48 ct or Larger Only (exp 08/18/18)
Final Cost: $1.49 plus eligible for the Huggies Catalina!
Huggies Litttle Swimmers, $9.99
Use(1):$1.50/1 HUGGIES LITTLE SWIMMERS Disposable Swimpants (10 ct. or larger)
Final Cost: $8.49 plus eligible for the Huggies Catalina!
Huggies Diapers, $8.99
Use(1): $2.00/1 HUGGIES® Diapers (Not valid on 9 ct. or less)
Or $2.00/1 Huggies Little Movers Diaper Pants; Includes Jumbo pk or Larger Only; DND
Or $2.00/1 Huggies Diapers – 7-22-18 SS; Includes 10 ct or Larger Only (exp 08/18/18)
Final Cost: $6.99 plus eligible for the Huggies Catalina!
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