Pampers Cruisers Diapers, $9.49
Deal: Buy (5) = $47.45
use (5) $2/1 Pampers Diapers printable coupon here (IF you store doesn’t limit your printed coupons)
There is a $2/1 Pampers Swaddlers, Cruisers or Baby Dry Diapers Kroger Digital Coupon you can use too.
Pay $37.45
Receive $10 Baby-Aisle Catalina (to be used on your next baby-aisle purchase)
Submit for $2 Pampers Cruisers Checkout51 Rebate
Final Cost: $25.45/5 or just $5.09 each pack!
If you store doesn’t allow more then 2 printed coupons, I would use my 2 + 1 digital for 3 packs, and find a few other items that will get you to $40…maybe wipes? Or just use 3 coupons on 5 packs of diapers..either way, it’s still a good deal!
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