Print all the new yogurt coupons! The Yoplait 8-pack is part the Kroger mega sale and you’ll pay just $1.99 for 8!
$0.40/1 Yoplait® Mix-Ins
$0.50/5 Yoplait® Yogurt
$0.30/1 Oui™ by Yoplait
$0.40/1 Yoplait® FruitSide
$1.00/1 Yoplait® Yogurt 8-Pack Fridge Pack
$1.00/1 Chobani® Multi-serve 32 oz. product
$1.00/2 Liberté® organic yogurt
Yoplait Yogurt, 8-16 ct, $2.99 wyb 5 mega sale items
–$1.00/1 Yoplait® Yogurt 8-Pack Fridge Pack
$1.99 per 8 pack/25¢ea after coupon.